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Week 11: June 15th-18th

Please remember student pickup of materials from 10 am to 1 pm Monday, June 15th through Thursday, June 18th.

Click below for more information.

There will also be a teacher parade on June 18th around 2 pm.

More information to come. 

Weekly Theme: Assessments for first grade


Sight Words: 

Review all 88 sight words


Objectives/Goals for the week: 


Review core concepts of letters, sounds, sight words, rhyming, etc.



Review counting, number identification, addition and subtraction



Water safety/ Summer



 Review basic writing concepts

Keep scrolling for daily tasks.

Daily tasks for the week:




*Have your child write their first and last name on a piece of paper without any help (make sure the first letters are uppercase, correct spacing and letters are facing the correct way.)


*Use this worksheet to test your child on what letters and sounds they know. 

*When testing the vowels (A,E,I,O,U) be sure to check if they know both of the  vowel sounds

*It’s important to make sure you do NOT test them in alphabetical order






















*Test your child on how many sight words your child knows out of the 88 in our list. Click below for complete sight word list. 




* Test your child on having them Count to 100 by 1's



Water safety video. With summer approaching I have always talked to the students about being safe around water. Swimming pools and bodies of water in our area. Watch this water safety video:






*Test your child on recognizing rhymes. Start by saying “I will say two words. I want you to repeat them, then tell me if those two words rhyme by saying yes/no or by giving me a thumbs up/down. Remember, words that rhyme sound alike at the end like cat and hat” Use the following words:








*Check to see if your child can produce their own rhyming words. Start by saying “Now I will give you one word at a time, and I want you to give me two words that rhyme with it. For example, If I say cat, you can say, hat and bat”. Use the following words to test your child: man, pig, fun, jet, top. 


*Test your child on syllables. Start by saying “I will say a word, you will count the syllables by clapping out how many sounds you hear in that word. Here are some examples” Give them a few examples: tiger (2), dinosaur (3), cat (1). Use the following words to test them: Basket, Umbrella, Rainbow, Watermelon, butterfly



*On your own piece of paper have your child write numbers 0-20. 



Name a water safety rule? (Never swim alone, Learn how to swim, Learn to relax in the water, don’t panic if you get in trouble, Always swim in safe places, Call 911 if someone is ever in trouble in the water) 






*On your own piece of paper, have your child complete this paper to see if they can write the beginning, middle, and ending sound for these CVC words with no help. (If they don’t know what the word is then you can tell them, just don’t help them sound it out)
























*Test your child on reading CVC words. Begin by writing words on a piece of paper and asking your child to read each one without any help. Use the following words: bat, web, cut, pet, pit, mad, hug, dot, fin. Remind them to sound them out if they are struggling.



*Test your child to name their numbers 0-20 when mixed up. Then, have your child count objects up to 20. 



Watch the water safety song. Remember to never swim alone. Always swim with an adult watching you and with a friend.



*Test your child to see if they can write a complete sentence.

Give your child a blank piece of paper and ask them to write a sentence.  The sentence can be about anything.  To be complete their sentence should make sense, start with a capital letter, have spaces between words, and punctuation at the end.  






*Watch the video  "Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten"




*Test your child to see if they can write a complete sentence.

Give your child a blank piece of paper and ask them to write a sentence.  The sentence can be about anything.  To be complete their sentence should make sense, start with a capital letter, have spaces between words, and punctuation at the end. 



*Test your child to write and verbalize addition problems up to five. Then have your child write and verbalize  subtraction problems with numbers up to five.   



Which items would protect you from the sun?  (umbrella, hat, sunglasses, sun screen) and water helps keep your body hydrated when you are in the sun. 





monday reading assessment.png
wednesday reading assessment.png
thursday reading assessment.png

Additional Resources:


* Link for Waterford login through Rapid Identity: 


If you have trouble with the link go to and you can find Rapid Identity under the "Students" tab. 


* List of all the sight words for the year:






 Previous Weeks: 

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